Strategies for Resolving the Ethical and Legal Complexities of End-of-Life Healthcare Decisions Conference Jan. 30, 2015; Orlando

The Florida Bioethics Network (FBN) along with sponsors, including UF Health will host a major conference in Orlando on January 30, 2015. Strategies for Resolving the Ethical and Legal Complexities of End-of-Life Healthcare Decisions will feature leading speakers from Florida and around the nation.  Topics include “What health care providers should know about refusing life-sustaining treatment”, “Talking with patients and families about end-of-life decisions”, and “Strategies for resolving requests for “non-beneficial” treatment”.  The conference is designed to offer practical guidance to healthcare professionals in hospitals, hospices and nursing homes.  With coordination by the University of Florida and University of Miami medical school bioethics programs, this is a must-attend event for physicians who address end-of- life medical issues/treatment decisions, and for hospital and hospice ethics committee members.

For more information and to register please visit the Florida Bioethics Network website,   Here at UF you can call Cheri Knecht (273-5153) or Ray Moseley (273-5150)  for additional information.