Dr. Sally Hinman, a second year Family Medicine Resident, has won the Best Resident/Fellow clinical case presentation at the Southeast Regional Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine last weekend in Jacksonville, Florida. Congratulations Dr. Hinman!
Best Resident/Fellow Clinical Case Presentation at the Southeast Regional Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine awarded to SK Hinman, Family Medicine resident under guidance of JL Zaremski and MB Horodyski for this project. Hinman SK, Zaremski JL, Horodyski MB. Altered Mental Status, Basketball. Presentation by SK Hinman at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Conference, February 2015 Jacksonville, FL.
Jason L. Zaremski, MD, CAQSM
Assistant Professor│Divisions of PM&R, Sports Medicine, & Research
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
Co-Medical Director Adolescent & High School Outreach Program
The University of Florida