Sep. 29: Updates & Opportunities Windows 10, UF #1 in lynda Usage, Tech Fair, Workshop Recording

Windows 10 List-Serv

As we all begin (or continue) testing Microsoft’s Windows 10 in the UF environment, problems and solutions will arise.  At a recent IT Manager’s Meeting, UFIT’s Technology Support Services  (TSS) group agreed to set up an open Listserv list for individuals to start communicating about issues, workarounds, and solutions they discover with Windows 10.  This list is called Windows-10-L.  To subscribe to this list, send a blank email (no subject is required) to with the text:

Subscribe Windows-10-L Firstname Lastname
Where Firstname and Lastname is, put your own first and last name

You’ll then receive an email with a link to confirm your list subscription.  In addition, TSS will be in touch with UF’s Microsoft account rep who has offered help with the Windows 10 rollout.  We will receive direct Microsoft assistance for any problems that UF Units have that we cannot find solutions on our own.  For any questions about the Windows-10-L list, please contact Alvin Woodbury (

UF Ranks #1 in Usage

For the 2014-15 academic year, UF again topped all universities in the lynda campus program for total number of users, total number of videos viewed, and total number of courses accessed. UFIT underwrites campus-wide access to, providing free, 24/7 access to lynda’s library of digital courses.  Nearly 22,000 unique users at UF used lynda between Aug. 2014-Aug. 2015.  Faculty, staff, and students amassed an astounding 492,294 video views in the last year!  If you’ve never tried lynda, give it a chance: the video courses are chunked in to “just in time” video access meaning, if you just need to learn how to better use pivot tables in Excel, you can click on the three-minute video showing you how to perfect that skill…you don’t have to sit through a two-hour video course to find what you need to learn.  Learn more about what’s in their 3,800 (and growing) course library.

2015 Student Tech Fair – Friday, October 2

For those of you who employ students, please encourage them to stop by the 2015 Tech Fair, taking place this Friday from 10am-1pm in “Tech Plaza”, the plaza area formed by Marston and CSE.  Tech Fair is an opportunity for students to learn about many of the IT-based campus services available to them – not just those from UFIT.  Among this year’s participants:  Residence Halls IT, the Apple Service Center, UFApps, GatorCloud Collaboration Services, and Sustainable UF.  This event heavily relies on input and direction from a student committee and is co-sponsored by the George A. Smathers Libraries and UFIT.

Cyber Self-Defense Workshop Recording – Now Available:

The Cyber Self-Defense workshop, offered as part of the HR-TOD schedule, is now available online to anyone with valid GatorLink credentials.  A recording of this workshop has long been requested and we’re glad to make it available to anyone who can’t get to the in-person class.

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