I am pleased to announce that we have hired Emilee Rice as our new Human Resources Assistant. Emilee has been working with us as a OPS HR Assistant since August, and we are thrilled to have her appointed in this regular TEAMS position. Emilee’s office is located in the “G Suite” just outside of room G1-003A. Emilee will be working to support the Personal and Payroll, and is your primary contact for time and leave. Emilee will be replacing Allison Geagan whose last day will be December 16th.
Emilee is a two-time University of Florida graduate, with her Bachelor of Science in Sociology, minor Business Administration, and a Master of Science in Management. In addition, Emilee has worked at the University of Florida since 2010. With Emilee’s experience in and out of our department, we are sure she will be an excellent addition to the Human Resources team.
Please join me in welcoming Emilee Rice to the CHFM team, ricee@ufl.edu
Sheila Diuguid
Human Resources Manager
1600 SW Archer Road, Suite N1-07
Gainesville, FL 32610-3001
Direct # (352) 273-514
HR FAX # (352) 294-8519
diuguid@ufl.edu <><