Hatch and Mainous Receive Awards at STFM Spring Conference

Please join us in congratulating both Robert Hatch, MD, MPH and Arch Mainous, PhD, for receiving individual awards at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference 2019 in Toronto, Ontario.

Dr. Hatch received the STFM Excellence in Education Award for his outstanding contributions at the University of Florida, sustained involvement in family medicine education, and the regional/national impact of his activities.

Dr. Mainous received the STFM Best CERA Research Paper Award for his paper “Institutional NIH Research Funding and a Culture of Support for Family Medicine – Their Relationship to Family Medicine Specialty Choice.” Dr. Mainous was selected to receive this award based on the quality of his research and its potential impact.


Hatch Arch Mainous









Hatch (left) and Mainous (right) accepting their awards.