I trust everyone made it through hurricane Matthew safe and with minimal property damage. In the aftermath of the storm, I just wanted to take a moment and thank those faculty, residents, nurses and staff who assisted with patient care coverage during the storm. In particular, I would like to recognize the attendings and residents on the inpatient service who worked during this time (several who volunteered to work additional duty during this emergency):
Tanya Anim
David Quillen
Gary Allen
Jeff Costain
Nik Dorsey
Denise Driscoll
George Eldayrie
Alex Leasure
Jairo Olivas
Sey Park
Richa Sutaria (anesthesia)
In addition, I would like to thank Shenary Cotter who provided additional outpatient coverage on Friday during a time when our clinics were closed and Dave Feller for assisting with coverage coordination. Finally, we had numerous folks volunteer to provide additional assistance and coverage – I want thank them as well.
I feel very fortunate to work in a department where we have so many people eager and willing to assist during an emergency.
Peter J. Carek, M.D., M.S.
Professor and Chair
Sue and Louis C. Murray, M.D. Professorship in Family Medicine
Department of Community Health and Family Medicine